Farm | The Great Release

and just like that...
... the 'big boys', AKA anyone over 300 pounds, is out on pasture! Sure we've been working tirelessly since March on getting critters out on the green grass (no it wasn't green in March but we were anticipating the green-up!) but it always seems that when you look back on the work, you forget how much work it really was. I'm counting on forgetting the work it took to put in these pastures by September when round #2 comes along.
Today we released the first four including our biggest troublemaker Sampson (though our little ewe lamb Ellie is giving him a run for his money) out to graze. In an effort to keep everyone from over-eating we let them out on the lesser value grass as too much of a good thing too fast can cause some major issues. So when we transition each spring from hay to lush pasture we do it slowly, so no one has tummy problems, I can talk like that being a cattle mama too, right?
We're on schedule to get the littles out next week so that we can celebrate the fourth with no work. I'm also planning on getting back to making dinner, cleaning the house, wedding my garden and going on bike rides with Matthew.