Renovations | Spring on the Farm

here's a past due farm update...
Like most farmers in spring, we're BUSY! So I figured I'd take a rainy day and write about what's been happening the last few months here at Homestead.
To put it simply we've been working on finding our pastures again...
When we bought this farm it hadn't seen livestock for at least 30 years, old pastures had grown in with woody and invasive species and were definitely in need of some major maintenance. In March we put our personal basement remodel on hold to get back to the farm projects. There was a lot of clearing to do to get animals grazing again.
I still can't believe how quickly the months around here fly by. We spent the last two months clearing fence lines in preparation for running our new fences. We seeded down areas that were cleared in hopes of establishing grass faster than weeds. The seed is coming in quite well but we definitely have some honeysuckle trying to make a come back... so now you know one of my tasks for the next week.
But as slow as it sometimes seems things are moving right along... Last weekend we proudly placed our first posts and mapped out the 152 (ish) posts left to place. It's a daunting task and it was probably a bad idea to calculate the time to finish placing posts. If you're wondering we have 40 hours of post pounding left to go....
After posts are in we'll start stretching wire and we're hoping to have everyone out of the dry lot by mid-June (I'm not going to mention, or maybe I am, that our first goal was mid-May). All in due time I suppose...
With an increasingly muddy cattle and sheep yard I'm more than ready to conquer another busy weekend to get these creatures out on our lovely greening pastures. This Memorial Day will be slightly less relaxing than previous years but a brat or three is still on the weekend to-do-list. I hope you also have a chance to get out and enjoy a brat this Memorial Day weekend!