Two girls creating a joyful life while caring for our flock and the land under our care.

Farm | Food Inc.

Farm | Food Inc.

Food Inc.


Most would argue that I was born a farmer, and they would be mostly right. But my passion to farm was given purpose because of one class during my final year of college.

I was sitting in one of the classes that I would have initially written off as ‘a waste of time’, it was a non-degree filler course and I definitely looked at it that way.

However, one day, I sat down in that class unprepared for what I was about to be confronted with. The title ‘Food Inc.’ splashed up on the big screen and my curiosity sparked for the first time. Then, as the film began rolling I became incredibly uneasy. What was flashing before my eyes was the incredibly inhumane treatment of livestock in the ‘modernized’ food system.

It was down right horrifying to watch cattle being drug off trucks with skid steers, ALIVE, because their legs had broken in transit. To watch female pigs give birth and not to have room to even lay down comfortably, and to watch chickens being de-beaked and living in their own waste.

What was as equally horrifying is the unhealthy levels of antibiotics in our food, the tasteless, fattening substitutes that have been made in the effort to keep things ‘cheap and quick’.

It changed me and it dramatically changed the way I looked at the meat on my table.



The only way I could see myself continuing to eat meat, was if I could be certain that it was harvested from livestock who live natural and comfortable lives. Which quickly lead me to the conclusion, I had to be a farmer that helps others make a change at their own dinner tables.

I had to make my ‘dream farm’ a farm that brought people in who had also been confronted with the horrors of our modern livestock systems. People that want healthier, tastier meat that was raised the right way, with the animal’s welfare at the forefront.

YOU CAN be part of the change

You can choose what your food dollar supports and I believe there is great power for change in your choice. You can choose to eat your meat with the confidence of knowing how it was raised and harvested. You can buy from local farmers so that you can get all your questions answered.

You have a choice and you have the power to change the way you and your family eat. I’m here to help you make that change.

Floral | FAQ's

Floral | FAQ's

Farm | 10 Fast Facts From Your Farmer

Farm | 10 Fast Facts From Your Farmer

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