Renovations | We're Ready for Lambs!
One week until lambing!
We're 1 week away from our first lambing season here at the farm. I can't believe it's almost here!
We've been working hard on our basement remodel, so hard that we've waited until the last minute to transition to necessary barn improvements for our growing flock. We spent a wonderful Saturday and Sunday in the barn and while it was a bit chillier than I would prefer it was nice to be working on our farm projects again.
On the project to-do list was building lambing jugs (small pens) for our ewes and their lambs to bond after birth. Our new families will spend 1-3 days in the jug to make sure mama and babies have a chance to bond so when they are let back out with the flerd (flock + herd) baby knows exactly how to find Mama and her milk.
The jug also allows us farmers to make sure that the new lambs are growing and getting the nutrition they need from mama. If for some reason the ewe cannot provide for the lamb it is easier for me to evaluate the need for bottle feeding if they aren't out roaming with the flerd.
I also spent some time at my sewing machine making lamb jackets. These jackets make me happier than a kid in a candy shop, they are so small and totally cute.
I'm so anxious to snuggle our new lambs and I can't wait for them to arrive. Our first due date is Easter so I'm praying for some lovely time celebrating The Lamb and hopefully adding a few lambs to our pasture!