Two girls creating a joyful life while caring for our flock and the land under our care.

Three Ways Dryer Balls Reduce Waste

Three Ways Dryer Balls Reduce Waste

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3 Ways Dryer Balls Reduce Waste

You’ve heard the hype in the eco-living community about wool dryer balls and how they’re helping reduce the waste of dryer sheets. BUT, did you know that using wool dryer balls saves more than just dryer sheets? Today I’d like to share with you three ways that using dryer balls reduces waste, beyond the sheets.

they are compostable

Did you know that dryer balls last YEARS with regular use? That’s right, they can last two to three years as reliable laundry companions. But, after their best years are over they are completely compostable. Meaning you can add them to your backyard compost pile, or stick them in with your houseplants to help them retain moisture longer!

they save your clothes

We know the harsh realities of the fast-fashion world. If you’ve been starting to buy clothes with more intention wool dryer balls can help you keep your most precious clothes fresher, longer. The biggest problem that faces our clothes, if they are made from natural fibers, is the use of harsh chemicals when washing them. That’s right, you think you’re getting your clothes clean and fresh with each load of laundry, but instead, you might be taking the life right out of your linens. By eliminating dryer sheets and using wool dryer balls you aren’t introducing extra chemicals in your wash, keeping your clothes fresh and bright longer. By reducing the wear on our clothes through laundering we can be more responsible consumers by taking care of what we already love!

made from a material produced naturally

Unlike dryer sheets wool dryer balls, when purchased from local farms and makers, are produced using natural and traditional felting methods. So, even in the process of making them small, local makers use responsible and conscious decisions to reduce waste. On another note, most wool in raw form is nearly worthless to small farms unless made into a product. For our farm taking our wool and making it into wool dryer balls helps us reduce our farm waste by utilizing a product that has no use to us otherwise.

Start your waste-free laundry journey by purchasing your wool dryer balls below.

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