Two girls creating a joyful life while caring for our flock and the land under our care.

The Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls

The Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls

Flock direct wool dryer balls made in Wisconsin

The benefits of using wool dryer balls

Since we introduced our flock in December 2018 I’ve been researching and learning all the benefits of wool and how we might best utilize this annual resource. It is truly incredible how many uses it has in our homes and I have been blown away by how it performs in bedding. So, I’m excited to be sharing today a new use that I am sure won’t disappoint either.

Introducing wool dryer balls, a natural alternative that is good for your clothes, your dryer, and of course the environment.

Better for your Linens

Let’s start with absorbency. You love a soft towel that helps you get dry after a warm shower. Chemicals from dryer sheets build up on your towels and linens and overtime decreases their absorbency, which leads to the replacement of the towels, landfills, you get the bigger picture. By using wool dryer balls you eliminate the chemicals and will extend the life of your towels and other linens.

Let’s talk about wrinkles while we’re at it too. Remember the tennis ball trick? Imagine wool balls doing the same thing in every dry cycle. While it isn’t magic it can’t hurt to have some help keeping your clothes and linens a little less, wrinkly.

better for your dryer

Chemical build-up on your dryer can’t be good for it, right? Right. Wool dryer balls are chemical-free and also help reduce your drying time. Both wins for laundry day.

better for the environment

While this one seems obvious I thought I’d get on my horse and talk about it anyway. We all know the benefits of less consumption, dryer sheets are an obvious waste-product that is easily eliminated with the use of wool dryer balls. But let’s go beyond that. Fewer chemicals on your clothes keep them brighter, fresher, and absorbant longer. Meaning those sweaters, bed linens and towels you LOVE won’t end up as ‘hot messes’ before you get the best out of them. When we purchase with intention we’d like to see that through the whole process, wouldn’t we? So, extend the life of your most favorite linens by using wool.

Alright, if you’re convinced that you need these dryer balls in your life, you can purchase them directly from the flock below.

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